Category Archives: In the News

Wolfchild vs. U.S. in Duluth Tribune

In today’s Duluth News Tribune: Descendants of 1862 Indian conflict seek share of casino profits

In 2004, Judge Charles F. Lettow ruled that the U.S. government breached its responsibilities as trust holders to the peaceable Dakota and their descendants. But whether any damages will be awarded is still undetermined. Regardless, almost 10,000 people nationwide have researched their lineage to the peaceable Dakotas and intend to join Sheldon Wolfchild, chairman of the Lower Sioux community, as plaintiffs in Wolfchild vs. the United States, said Eric Kaardal, an attorney representing almost 6,500 of the plaintiffs. About one-third of Kaardal’s clients live in South Dakota, and every reservation in the state has residents involved, he said. Seven South Dakota attorneys also are representing some of the plaintiffs.